Primary Spine Practitioner, Doctor of Chiropractic, BSEd, NASM-CES

Doctor of Chiropractic, MS.

Email Dr. Del Mastro

Dr. Dino Del Mastro has been a Los Gatos chiropractor since 2011, serving a vast community of athletes, weekend warriors, and everyday people who want to feel their very best. 

Dr. Dino completed the prestigious post-graduate education at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania to become a Primary Spine Practitioner.

This education is put to good use on a global scale by assisting his patients locally in Los Gatos and teaching the Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification for the National Academy of Sports Medicine to hundreds of national and international students every year. 

Dr. Dino prioritizes cutting-edge education, assuring his patients feel their absolute best.


  • Scuba Diving, CrossFit



  • Primary Spine Practitioner, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


  • Doctor of Chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic West, San Jose, CA


  • B.S. Health and Physical Education, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA


  • Corrective Exercise Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine,
    Chandler, AZ